3rdInternational Conference On Agricultural Engineering and Food Security
Berlin, Germany

Federico Sambo
Università degli Studi di, Italy
Title: LIFE VITISOM. VITiculture Innovative Soil Organic Matter Management: variable-rate distribution system and monitoring of impacts
Biography: Federico Sambo
Nowadays vineyard soil is subject to an increasing organic matter erosion in relation with the transition to intensive farming systems which generates a reduction of row spacing and a fast evolution of vineyard mechanization. Soil erosione leads to a decrease of organic matter content whose the importance for viticultural soils is already known since a long time and it has recently been mostly enhanced in relation to the progress of knowledge linked to the soil study. In particular, the positive function of the organic matter on soil is related to:
a: general improvement of the conditions of fertility, since the organic matter represents a source of stable nitrogen which constitutes a pool of elements for the vine;
b: positive effect on soil structure, water retention and availability of nutrients;
c: an improvement of the structure and the chemical, physical and biological properties of soil.
The LIFE VITISOM project aim to produce and make available an innovative technology, which could be utilized in all viticultural European contexts. Thanks to the adoption of variable rate system technology (VRT) the prototypes produced thanks to VITISOM project will allow to make more rational the use of organic fertilizer in viticultural sector at local, national and European level.