3rdInternational Conference On Agricultural Engineering and Food Security
Berlin, Germany

Seema Sonkar
Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, India
Title: Food Policy and their implementation towards Food security in India
Biography: Seema Sonkar
The World Health Organization has proposed the theoretical framework of social determinants of health to research and take action to reduce inequities in health status across regions, countries, groups and social classes. The farming sector offers one of the highest impacts on reducing poverty and hunger. Great potential for achieving sustained improvements in the nutrition status of the poor. Economic inequality in the distribution of wealth or income continues to be a very serious problem for any community. How much does a poor man’s meal cost? Earlier the planning commission had shown the latest data of poverty ratio falling spectacularly from 37% in 2004-2005 to 22% from 2011 to 2013. This raised 138 million people above extreme poverty which is one of the greatest poverty-reducing feasts in history. But the poor are supposed to get highly subsidized food. Economic inequality can be measures of which two are very popular and convenient inequality measures in any family may be of three types- relative, absolute and index measures of inequality. If we really want to reduce inequality, we should consider both relative and absolute measures of inequality. Food policy of the government of India after independence, the government took the problem of shortage of food grain seriously, that’s why several measures have been taken by the government to solve the problem.